Spinning Thoughts & Tales ~

I’ve been thinking about what to do with the blog.  One option is to fade to black.  Just shut it down but keep the name for a bit,  for when I hit on something worth sharing.  A few will miss me, others…not so much.  There is much work, home improvements and the garden chores to do.  Where is the sunshine?  It  is more like January than June.  It is summer, isn’t it?

So…what to do about the blog?  There are so many great sites or stealer’s of time depending on how much work I need to do.  I’ve not missed writing posts.  Rather like Scarlett O’Hara, I’ll think about it later.  Hopefully some inspiring thought will strike.  If not, it will be….fade to black.

Last week we fished off the west coast of the island. I caught three fish.  Just as we were to turn back for the day, we saw two Orca pods heading out to the open ocean.

I give you whales.

Photo taken by:  Geri, cousin extraordinaire.

The end …

For seven years my mother has braved a battle of deteriorating health, sometimes with fierce anger, sometimes with silence, sometimes with humor and laughter.  It has been a long road with many dips and plateaus both physically and mentally.  Often I would come home drained and angry.  I’ve mourned the loss of who she was, trying to reconcile the strong image with the frail woman she became.  Read the rest of this entry »

Writing connections ….

Or…connections writing as in meeting wonderful people while taking creative writing classes or a workshop or a conference or an on-line course or a podcast.   On Tuesday, I had lunch with one of my all time favorite instructors, Stephanie, and a core group of great writers.   Stephanie, funny, full of life, she encourages, cajoles, she’s a  poet, writer and inspiring teacher.  Read the rest of this entry »

In a blink…

Time zipped by since my last posting.  End of March, how did that happen?  I’ve been so busy playing in the writing sandbox, s-e-r-i-o-u-s-l-y writing, not blogging but that’s another post.

My beautiful “not-of-my-body” spiritual daughter started a new blog, UNDER THE TEA COZY.  A delightful young woman, wife,  mother of three, talented musician and she cooks!  Friday night, Read the rest of this entry »

And…I’m back

January, usually a long month after the holidays,  flew by.  Mama had pneumonia.  We were on worry and watch.  Well, I was.  Big brother finally came for a visit after ten months or so.  Little brother came for the weekend and sat with Mom for two days.  Little sister was a no show or phone calls.  Older sister doesn’t drive and her husband has dementia, middle stages.   So…back to me carrying the load with mom.  We did have a little respite before the pneumonia…

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Last Day….

It’s the last day and what have I learned?  I thought it was the same song, same verse, stuck in neutral with plans to move forward, exactly how I felt last year on this day.  But…I changed my mind.  Everywhere there is the year in review playing the good and the bad.  I’ve decided not to review the bad, only the good.  The good to surpass everything: a new dog, Marlowe, who lives with #1 Son & DIL   and the birth of a darling baby girl for parents #2 Son and DIL.  Our sweet grand-daughter, Gray is a beauty with a full head of hair, a serious countenance and smile to melt the coldest of hearts.

Mom had several downward spirals.  My family, as always, the best.  Old friends, new friends;  loved and  appreciated.  Trips to Tahiti, Portland and New York City.  Three writing conferences.   My friend, Pam and I roomed together in NYC.    Met favourite authors: Robyn Carr and Jenny Crusie.  Loved Jennifer’s collage workshop and Michael Hauge is always excellent.  Three UBC creative writing classes.   Ten pounds up and ten pounds down.  A 40th high school reunion which turned out to be great fun and the only reunion I’ve ever attended.   An in-law health crisis.  Traveled by train to Portland, Eugene and San Francisco.  Met Julie.  Rode the Golden Gate Bridge on my best birthday ever according to the Big Guy.   AND… one  beautiful baby granddaughter.   A very good year.

My year in review.

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Hoping this coming year brings many blessings and much love to your life.

Stay safe.  Stay well.  Stay warm.

It’s quick…

So was it food poisoning or the dreaded Norwalk?  Same symptoms according to the Nurse Hotline. I am assuming the very rapid walk through the halls to visit Mama on Friday afternoon was all it took.  Mama is fine.  No symptoms.  I promised I would visit her in two days.  Sadly I have disappointed her and cannot visit until New Years Day.   Feeling like I have abandoned her on Christmas, much like the rest of her children who do not visit.  Life does suck at times.

On the other hand, half the family spend the day together, the other half worried about their little one and did not come. Norwalk is very contagious up to seventy-two hours.  We will have two Christmas celebrations. So…it was a very quiet, full of laughter celebration with eldest son, wife and Marlowe, the wonder dog.  He loves visiting our house, bounds out of the car and waits for the door to open.  He knows he gets treats and kisses.  I think we should have a dog again.  Perhaps this coming year.  Hope your Christmas day was full of family cheer and love.  Looking forward to a wonderful 2012.  Stay warm, safe and very much-loved.

96 and counting…

Who would have thought it? I’m sure Mom never thought she would live to be 96.   When she was 90, she said she was going to die at 95 or after S & A have a baby.  Well, the year has come and gone and what a year it was.  A very big downward spiral physically, mentally and emotionally.  It really has been a roller coaster ride.  Many times I thought this would be the year but she has a strong heart. She is here for the very long haul.  I’m going to need a lot of money if I have inherited the “strong heart gene.”  If one has good health and mobility and a sharp mind, it wouldn’t be so bad to live well into one’s 90’s.  The key word is “if.”

I bought a beautiful bouquet, very festive colours to celebrate her birthday and Christmas.  I forgot the Purdy’s Turkish Delight.  Santa will have to put it in her stocking.   Mom did acknowledge it was her birthday and marveled at the number.  I couldn’t stay long, I have a cold.  They don’t like anyone visiting with a cold, fever, etc.  The staff were advised it is Mom’s birthday.  Many wished her a happy birthday.  She was very gracious and thanked everyone.  We had a little hug and a “love you” before I left.  As I was leaving the building I noticed the “STOP, No Visitors” sign and “Do not Cross” ribbons which were not there when I arrived.  The first floor has an outbreak of Norwalk, also known as the “winter vomiting flu.”   Life just keeps on throwing stones on my path.  Hoping Mom’s immune system will fight it off when the germs ride the elevator upstairs.  You just know they will.

A very happy birthday to my dear Mama.  Happy 96th!  Here we are at the last Christmas  party.

My blog has been sorely neglected of late.  As promised here is my postcard story, but first….  A classroom exercise morphed into the back story for a small mid-western town full of characters on the cusp of decline or a push towards prosperity.  Of course, the townspeople are in conflict and a body is found, stopping the new highway construction.  Our little writing group  each submitted a postcard story.  This is mine…

Read the rest of this entry »

Where have I been for over a month? Right here.  Busy with life.  Last week I finished another eight weeks of Creative Writing at UBC.  Again, with my favourite instructor Stephanie and a group of wonderful women writers.  Alas, no men writers joined us.  We missed them.  They add to our little group as well as entertain us.  Two new writers added to the group of seven.  We had fun writing, reading each others’ submissions, critiquing, brain storming and, of course, eating tasty treats at coffee break.  I will post my postcard story in a few days.  As Stephanie said, “this is chapter one of a novel.”  Hmm….that will be the start of  third novel.  Unfortunately novel #1 and novel #2 are not finished.  I did submit the first chapter of novel #2, a re-write of the first chapter and an opening scene for chapter two.  Very well received and excellent comments.

If only I were independently wealthy, I could write all day and hire someone else to do my job.  Ah, dream on dreamer.  Stay safe and warm.